Category | Topics |
Other ResourcesThis category is for posting alternative methods or tools to those we support, discussing the literature more widely, and pointing out resources other community members may be interested in. If unsure if it is in scope go ahead and post!
Project ProposalsThis category is for proposing programming or research projects for Epinowcast. If you are interested in helping to resolve any of these issues then put together a small proposal, no more than a few paragraphs, on how you would tackle the problem and post as a new topic in this category.
AnnouncementsThis category is for official announcements regarding Epinowcast releases and activities.
MeetingsThis category is to announce any Epinowcast meetings that go on. They should be open to the public and have a specific topic for discussion listed, as well as a video chat link. Anyone interested should be able to join. Minutes for each meeting should be posted after the event.
IntroductionsThis category allows new users to introduce themselves. When introducing yourself remember to give some detail about your background, what you’d like to achieve in this community, and anything you need help with.
ProjectsThis category is for discussing ongoing programming or research projects for or related to Epinowcast. Posts here could take the form of open collaborations or maybe reports of current progress on an ongoing research project.
DevelopersThis category is for discussion relevant to the development of Epinowcast. This includes the present and future of the core Epinowcast code and its interfaces.
ModelingThis category is for issues with specifying models using Epinowcast tools or fitting them.
PublicityThis category is for sharing any work using or discussing Epinowcast, including publications and blog posts. We particularly encourage users to share any awesome research done with Epinowcast!
FundingThis category is for discussing potential funding options for work on Epinowcast code and related research projects.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Epinowcast GovernanceInformation and updates on the governance of our community. At the moment we use a lose community of practice model but this may be formalised in the future as the project grows.
JobsThis category is for advertising jobs or funded research projects using Epinowcast tools or conducting research in an adjacent area, or your availability for those positions.
InterfaceThis category is for questions regarding the installation and use of the Epinowcast interfaces (rather than modeling specific questions).