Hi everyone,
I’m a maths epidemiology researcher. Originally from Maths and a bit of theoretical phys at KCL, then onto the Complexity centre (now Mathsys) at Warwick for PhD.
I’ve dabbled in a lot of Maths epi things without mastering anything in particular, including:
- Moment closure techniques.
- Optimal control stuff.
- Bayesian inference for dynamical systems.
- VBDs of livestock.
- Climate forcing in bluetongue virus transmission.
- Explicitly spatial models (think farms in a FMD-esque model).
- A small bit of phylogenetics.
- A bit of cost-effectiveness analysis of vaccine roll-out scenarios.
Mostly worked with the KEMRI-Wellcome group based in Kilifi, Kenya.
Now at the CFA (a group in CDC) where I do mainly short-term forecasting and developing the EpiAware package.