Our meeting scheduling has been somewhat disrupted over the last few months (for various reasons but mostly centred on me not doing what I say I will!).
It would be good to start the new year by firming up our meeting schedule as much as possible and moving to a more regular format. I’ve been finding them incredibly useful for both this project but also more general research (for example see some of the great discussions here: Epinowcast meeting (2022-11-17))
Calendar share link (for all Epinowcast events (ping me if you want edit access to schedule events): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=YTExM2I2ZjVkOTYxODA4ZjA5YjdhODA3ZTIwMzU1Mzk4ODY0Y2NhYjIzOWVkNjAyYzc5ZTkzYWM5OWY0YWQxM0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t
I have sadly full Thursdays so I have proposed a new meeting time of 2pm UK time on the third Wednesday of each Month. Does that work for people? Have to shift around as needed to make it as easy for people to attend as possible. I have also added a similar meeting at the same time but on the first Wednesday for our new seminar like meetings.