Welcome to the Epinowcast Forum!

The Epinowcast Forums provide a community for asking and answering questions about all aspects of Epinowcast and related real-time infectious disease modelling questions. New to the forum? Why not introduce yourself in #introductions.

Before creating a new topic please search the Forums to see if your questions has already been answered.

When posting new topics we highly recommend that you simplify your problem as much as possible. It is much easier for the community to read and understand a well-written short post than a long post or one that lacks sufficient clarity. All that being said we are a friendly bunch so definitely post rather than not!

If you believe that you have found a bug, then please create an issue on the appropriate GitHub repository, such as the epinowcast package . Similarly, new feature requests should be made by creating new issues describing the request as detailed as possible.

As a community, we are modelled on the Stan community. If in doubt about how to act please see their forum for pointers and perhaps consider updating our guidance for other users.